If you’re looking for the perfect gift to give someone this Christmas, think about gifting CS: GO items. It’s a great idea because not only is it unique, but it is also relatively inexpensive. With that being said, below are some of the best festive skins that you can buy this December. CS GO gaming is so much fun, and running around with a festive skin is always better. Blitz:
The Blitz Skin is a Christmas skin that arrived back in December 2015. It’s a winter-themed weapon skin for the M4A4 or the AK47. It can be used on any ak-47 except for the ATI ak-47. If you like this skin buy it from the Steam Marketplace (if it’s not sold out already).
The Ember Skin is also a Christmas skin that has been around since last year. It can be used on any pistol and is also a Christmas gift to give to someone who loves Team Fortress 2. This skin is available for both the M9 and the USP-S.
Jack Frost is a Christmas skin that was released back in December of 2011. This skin is for a knife and can be used on any knife from the csgo stash. However, to actually use this skin, you’ll need to equip it inside the game itself (you cannot do this from Steam). To do this, press TAB to get into your inventory and then scroll over with your mouse or touchpad to find your weapon sets. The 3rd last slot will be an animated knife that has Jack frost on it. All you need to do is select it and hit apply.
CS GO gaming is so much fun, and running around with a festive skin is always better. Christmas is the time to spend with your loved ones, so if you are looking for the perfect gift for someone, then skinport CS GO gaming items are just perfect. When planning to buy CS GO gaming items, always think of the person whom you are going to gift them. If it is a man, gift his weapons. But if it’s a woman, then anything that she might need or loves.
CS GO Christmas skins are the perfect gifts to give out this holiday season, whether you’re buying them for a friend, your partner, or even yourself. Each of these skins can be found on the Steam Marketplace and will cost roughly $4- $5 for each skin. The only reason why these skins are so cheap is that they were released during last year’s Christmas period and have been on sale since then (and probably will be on sale for another few days).