Ham radio, also known as amateur radio, is quite an interesting hobby. It essentially involves hams, a radio operator, talking with each other over UHF and VHF frequencies. Ham radio is well-known as a small-town hobby with an appreciative reputation. However, it is completely unwarranted as becoming a ham is known to be coupled with some serious practical benefits and can be entertaining. This article will further talk about the reasons a person should consider entering the fray himself.
- Gaining awareness of local emergencies
Being aware of several local emergencies, such as a multi-car pile-up, often tends to mean the difference between spending several hours being stuck in traffic with someone or not. Finding out about them at the appropriate time can unfortunately be difficult for a person. TV news is very slow to report happenings or events taking place all around the world at times, and social media can sometimes be a hub for misinformation and hoaxes.
When compared to this, ham radio is different. It is reliable, fast, and comes locally to a person, often from any of the first-hand witnesses. A person will be hearing about such events from the ones living near the place that particular event took place or are known to be rubber-necking it from several automobiles owned by them. Many operators of this radio with ham radio accessories carry in-car handsets because of the same.
- Learning and maintaining a skill
A person cannot just purchase a radio set and become an amateur operator of ham radio; not legally at least. For doing the same, a person is required to take several classes or do some studying himself. These cover all the essentials such as rules, laws, and regulations in the county of such person relevant to an amateur radio broadcast. Others are more creative and interesting and explore the physics and math of basic electronics and ham radio.
There exist three written exams that a person can sit through to acquire a ham radio certification:
- Technician: Consist of 35 questions; it is the lowest tear to obtain an amateur radio certification
- General: Consists of 35 questions; it is moderately tricky
- Extra: Consists of 50 questions; it is the highest tear to obtain a ham radio certification
An exam is generally administered by a local volunteer examiner; many tend to themselves be enthusiasts of ham radio. The overall cost ranges from a nominal fee not exceeding $15.
If a person was put off by the approximate cost of becoming a ham back then, he must know that in recent years, it has ended up becoming a very affordable hobby, along with attractive ham radio accessories. All thanks to the flooded markets with cheap handsets!